About Men’s Health

We can almost hear you thinking,
“Why does gum disease keep coming up
in a discussion of general health?” Gum disease is actually a chronic
bacterial infection which, like other infections, will eventually cause redness
and inflammation. If left untreated it will damage the gums and bone
supporting the teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss. Toxic oral bacteria can
travel to other parts of your body and have been found in areas as diverse as
amniotic fluid and in arterial plaque. In fact, as science discovers more about
the inflammatory nature of many diseases, gum disease is being linked to an
increasingly comprehensive list of conditions including those cited above.
How do you avoid gum disease? With good home-care routines and regular
dental visits to remove dental plaque, the sticky colorless bacterial film that
is constantly forming on your teeth. Plaque buildup can lead to the earliest
and mildest form of the disease – gingivitis. Although it begins with no
obvious symptoms, during this stage, the gum tissue can swell, turn red, and
bleed easily, causing little or no discomfort. Gingivitis is reversible with
professional treatment and good at-home oral hygiene. Without this care,
you may put yourself at risk for more severe forms of gum disease.
What puts men at risk? A diet that contains inadequate calcium can
contribute to the problem, and in general, experts believe that North
Americans do not consume enough calcium each day. Other factors include
your family history, steroid medicines, and lifestyle issues such as lack of
exercise, tobacco, alcohol consumption, and having low testosterone or
estrogen levels can put you at risk. So does having medical problems.
So to all of you men out there – there are more reasons to come and see us
than getting a great looking smile to compete in the work force… Women
seem to have gotten it right and we know that you can, too. Please see us and
your physician on a regular basis and think seriously about making lifestyle
changes that could improve your health. Approaches such as optimal diet,
regular exercise, and stress management, as well as a reduction in tobacco
and alcohol intake, are all excellent prescriptions for good oral health as well
as general health.
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